Robocopy vs fastcopy
Robocopy vs fastcopy

robocopy vs fastcopy

The /R:1 and /W:1 parameters tell it to retry once on any failures to copy, and wait for 1 second between each retry. The command below will copy all contents of \\NAS1\Clients to \\NAS2\Clients, including all subdirectories (even empty ones). Copying two 30GB files is much, much faster than copying 30,000 2MB files, even though they are both the same total size. The number of files you’re copying can make a HUGE difference in how long it takes. You know the person assisting is a true IT professional if they are utilizing robocopying for copying large amounts of data. The path of the saved 7zip file is c:\users\user_name\documents.7z if you are referencing the above illustration. We zip files because the standard copy option on Windows will break when trying to copy large amounts of data. Remember zipping files? It’s still a very common approach to taking large amounts data, compressing, and zipping it into one file. Simply specify which directories to transfer and turn on verification then let it do its job. It is flexible, easy and no need to bother with scripting.

robocopy vs fastcopy

Copying from one computer profile to another.Knowing what data to copy, backup, transfer to the new computer or server.This is actually step one of a two or three step process.

robocopy vs fastcopy

We begin with the basic tools and end with a more elaborate, somewhat confusing to a new person but ultimately, the best, fastest, and most reliable tool out there for an individual to transfer large amounts of data between two computers or servers. These tools are used for transferring from server to server or PC to PC. Here are several examples of tools available for DIYers and IT professionals.

Robocopy vs fastcopy